
Sunday, April 17, 2016

"It's Not A Phase, Mom, It's Who I Am!"

(Via Stanford Solar Center)
I've had a different obsession each school year since the 5th grade.  I call them phases.

Also, I'm the type of person that's gonna give 100% or 0%.  So that means when I was obsessed with something, I went all in.  I would let the whole world know I really liked d this one amazing thing and how I was the expert on it.  It was a really defining thing for me. 

So let's start with the 5th grade.
In the 5th grade, one of my good friends and I was obsessed with this book series called Warriors.  Basically the series is about a bunch of cats who lived in clans in the forest (looking back they were terrible books).  I mainly got into it because of my friend, but I ended up liking the series a lot on my own.  This was my smallest phase for sure.  All I did to promote it was read the books and draw some art with my friend.  Little did I know this was the start of a long road of phases.

The 6th grade was by far my worst.
I was obsessed with a thing called anime, which is a type of Japanese cartoon. I probably spent around $200 on anime related t-shirts and action figures.  I even taught myself Japanese.  I thought I was so cool.  But looking back now, I was the biggest nerd ever.  My 6th grade self was so cringeworthy I can't even talk about it anymore.

My 7th grade self was slightly better.
I really liked a thing called SuperWhoLock, which was a combination of the television shows Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock.  I was more lowkey about this one, but I still spent a lot of money on t-shirts related to these shows.  This phase was obvious to the people around me, but I was (hopefully) less annoying about it.

And then onto my 8th grade self.
This was probably equal to my 7th grade self, except last year I really liked bands, specifically Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy.  I also had a lot of their t-shirt and would excitedly scream the songs when they came on in public.  This is the phase that has lasted the longest by far, and I think it has pretty much died down.

Basically, these are some small descriptions of my most cringeworthy phases.  I think they're cringeworthy, but that doesn't mean I don't wish they didn't happen.  My 5th grade phase got me into reading books.  My 6th grade phase got me into drawing.  My 7th grade phase got me into tv shows.  My 8th grade phase got me into music.  All of these embarrassing phases have made me who I am today, so I'd say it was all worth it.

1 comment:

  1. this was really emotional for me to read
