
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Emo Yet Important: Gerard Way Appreciation Post

For a school assignment, I am required to write a post dedicated to someone I admire and someone who would enjoy my blog.  There are a lot of people I admire, but they are nothing like me and would probably not enjoy the content I provide.  And then there are a lot of people who would enjoy my content, but I don't admire them.  It took some of thought, but I finally decided on my person.

Dear Gerard Way:

(Via Dalje)
As odd as it is, I admire and appreciate you in several ways. You created the band that got me into music: My Chemical Romance.  In 7th grade I was an obscure kid who didn't really know their place and didn't have many passions. But because of this band, I found something to enjoy; I found a favorite band and I begun to like music. And from that band, it opened up a whole new world of music to me.  The music My Chemical Romance created not only helped and inspired me, but inspired thousands of other kids who felt the same way. If it weren't for you or My Chemical Romance, I probably wouldn't be the person I am today.

But that's just the start of my appreciation for you.  The more I learned about My Chemical Romance themselves, I began to learn more about you and your other work.  I learned that before you started a band, you wanted to be a visual artist. When that didn't really work out, you became the lead singer of a popular band instead.  What I admire though is that you still pursued your dream of being an artist while being in a band and having a completely different career. You wrote and drew several amazing comic books while in My Chemical Romance, which must have been a difficult task.  But somehow you still managed to simultaneously create both music and art at the same time.  This is very inspirational to me because it shows me that I don't have to have just one solid career.  You show me that I can achieve whatever and as many things as I want with hard work and dedication, even if it doesn't work out at first.

I also believe we have similar minds, which leads me to why I think you'd enjoy my blog.  Based off of your Twitter, you've talked about a lot of random things.

Umbrella Academy Signing
(Via Umbrella Academy Wiki)
Whether it's conspiracies on extraterrestrials, slightly disturbing photos of popular things during the 80's, or your random thoughts you get at 3 am, I feel like they all reflect the basis of my blog.  Honestly, your existence on Twitter itself inspires me.  Your positive tweets always send good vibes that encourage me to do the same.  Your unexplained thoughts and photos remind me to not care what others think about my opinions; they remind me to be bold. Your fanboy moments over other people, specifically David Bowie, remind me that it's okay to be super passionate about things.  You've shown me to be a better person in a bunch of tiny ways, and I appreciate that.

It may not seem like you inspire me, but you truly do.  Before writing this, I didn't realize how much I admire you.  But now that I'm finished, I appreciate you more than I did before. And for that, I want to thank you.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Marketing Ploy or Not: Conspiracies on Brendon Urie

Contrary to my last post, there is one thing that will get me through this week. Friday is technically the release date of Panic! At The Disco's new album, Death of a Bachelor.  I've been eagerly anticipating this album for several months now. I mean, I've been looking forward to hearing at least half of the album.  The other half has already been released as singles or they've been leaked, which leads me to the basis of this post.

When Panic! At The Disco released the song and music video for one of their singles "Emperor's New Clothes", the album title, song titles, and official release date was also announced.  Because of this big announcement, Brendon Urie, the lead singer of the band, did a live stream on Periscope.  He was answering the usual questions from buzzing fans about the album and the songs, and at one point he even said if it was up to him he would release the album against his management's will.  And perhaps, over the next couple of months, that's exactly what he did.

After the album announcement in October, everything else had gone relatively normal.  There were a couple new music videos made and another single was released.  But around December, that's when things started to get shady.

First, one night on Tumblr, my friend found a peculiar audio clip and sent it to me.  It was the high quality and full length version of one of the songs "Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time".  There was no hint to this being released early at all on any of Panic! At The Disco's social media, so I was curious as to where it came from.  At first I was weary to listen to it because I didn't want to be a bad person and potentially listen to pirated music.  But hey, why not; Brendon Urie would be proud considering how many times he's told his fans to rip his songs off of Youtube.  So I listened to it once and let it be, and about an hour later, all of the audio clips of the song were taken down.

The second shady thing that has happened recently was during a football game. I didn't personally watch it, but according to the internet, a clip of one of the songs called "Golden Days" was playing during a football game before a commercial break like many songs do.  Yet again, they didn't hint this song was going to come out any time soon either.  So why would a sports station have a Panic! At The Disco song that wasn't supposed to be heard until January 15th?

And finally, the most bizarre thing that has happened thus far occurred this week.  A couple of days ago several fans went to Target and came across physical copies of Death of a Bachelor out in the CD section; a little less than a week before the actual release date.  For instance, this is just one of the fans who found a copy and posted it on Twitter.

(Via Ruhquel on Twitter)

Some Target employees have realized that the CDs aren't supposed to be out yet and they've prevented fans from purchasing it, other stores have let the fans get away with it.  This wasn't just one store though, this was several across the nation.  So if that's the case, why would a large corporation like Target mess up the release date of an item in several of their stores across the country?

You've seen the evidence.  Now comes the question.  Is this all an unsaid marketing ploy by Panic! At The Disco?  Or, are all of the leaked songs and miscommunications on the release date of the album a simple coincidence?  In my view, there's no way a sports channel would take unreleased songs without Panic! At The Disco giving it to them first.  I also don't think this many Target stores would mess up on the release date of an item.  Maybe it was Brendon Urie himself who somehow flew to all of the stores and put them there (just kidding).  Basically, it wouldn't surprise me if Brendon Urie was just trying to screw with us.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Blogger Has A Lot Of Problems (Like Me)

A visual representation of sarcasm.
Blogger has a lot of flaws.

Over the course of a couple days, I had been working hard on a blog post about a different rant.  I read and reread it several times, making sure it was perfect and ready to post. I found one solid high quality photo to go with it as well. Everything was sorted out flawlessly and I was proud I had completed another blog assignment.  Wow, it looked as if my life was finally coming together.

Haha, I guess not.

When I knew the post was good to go, I clicked the publish button.  No results. So me, being an impatient teenager, started to click the publish button dozens of times in the span of just a couple of seconds.  And yet again, the post would still not publish.  So after spamming the save button just to be sure it saved, I clicked the refresh button so maybe I could submit it the next time around.


By refreshing the page, I lost all of my work.  Every single sentence I worked hard on was gone.  Every period, comma, and semi colon I placed systematically had vanished.  I was so frustrated.  I should have known better too, this happened to me with another old blog post except last time it only deleted half of the post.  But I suppose my naïvety got the better of me.

So after the fact settled in that I'd have to redo my assignment and I lost at least three days worth of work, I pretty much lied on the floor while listening to music and stared at the ceiling for a solid twenty minutes.  At that point, I was just done with everything.  It is finals week and the last week of the semester after all, so losing all of my hard work only brought me more stress (check out this post to see me elaborate on this more).  Maybe if I were a better student and I got all of these assignments done earlier, I wouldn't be as stressed or reckless.  But I don't see that happening any time soon, unfortunately.  So instead of using the time I took to rant about a rant blog post that backfired, I could have been doing some other homework.  Also, I could of spent three hours doing more homework if I didn't decide to draw.  I drew a person with three eyes.  Three of them.  My life truly is a wreck right now.

Basically, Blogger has as many problems as I do.