
Thursday, October 22, 2015

I Wanna Throw Myself At The Sun But What's New

Before I even start with this rant, I just want to address that this will be one of many rants on probably the same topic, that topic being school. :-)))

Me on the outside :-)
*but is internally screaming and stressing*
 (Via Tumblr)
I know, this is what I get; I deserve it.  I knew this was how it was going to go down when I signed up for all of these classes.  And, because I'm taking all honors and AP classes, I should be able to handle this. But bOY WAS I WRONG HAHA.

The amount of homework I have is ridiculous.  And yeah, this is a thing every student has complained about.  I honestly know nobody who hasn't complained about it either.  I know I'm gonna sound like a broken record, but I need to address this. (Just let me complain here.)

It might not sound like a lot when I type it out, but it sure feels like a lot and it takes a toll on my mental and physical health.  Tuesday night, for instance, was kinda rough.  The night before that I probably went to bed around 11:00 finishing a project.  Then, I woke up at 5:30 in the morning so I had enough time to get ready for school, resulting in me only getting a little over six hours of sleep.  Then, I went to school for about seven hours.  After that, I had basketball practice for two hours, making me get home around 4:30.  Because Tuesday was my little brother's birthday, we were going out to dinner to celebrate at 6:00.  So, I did as much homework as I could in that time frame and I took a shower on top of that.  So we went out to dinner and got home around 8:00.  Just in time for me to get some sleep! Wrong.  I still had two finals to study for. (I won't single any class out haha.)  By the time it was 11:30, I had only finished studying for one final.  I was so tired, I had a mental breakdown and I couldn't finish studying for my second final.  I mean, I was going all day, I didn't have time to stop and sit down at all, I'm not kidding.  So yesterday morning, when I woke up after a rough night, I looked like I crawled out of some deep pit of hell.  I had major bags under my eyes and it was hard for me to stay awake all day.  I also had to run to the bus stop in the morning because I somehow still didn't have enough time.  I think it's safe to say that has been the worst day this quarter.

My point is, the work load is too much to handle, for me at least.  I feel like a student should be able to spend time with their family, participate in extracurricular activities, and honestly have at least an hour to sit on the couch and just chill out after school.  I understand homework is important and each teacher has their own assignments they want us to complete, but some of it is just too much.  I highly doubt I'm going to use the multiplicative inverse of matrices everyday in my future, so I'd rather spend the time doing that homework on something else useful, like re-watching The Office for the second time.

(Via Jglovier Gifs)

There's nothing I can do about this problem, but I just needed to let off some steam and complete this assignment that I ended up writing at 10:30 pm. (I'm so healthy and I get enough sleep every night!)

So I guess this concludes my school rant for now.  Be prepared for many others in the future!


  1. I relate to this post more than you know. In October 2015, around the time you posted this post, I posted a similar post. It was also a stress rant about my school struggles. I think that you should keep being relatable and writing funny posts such as this one. (p.s. i love the office and i relate to jim in every way). Go ahead and check out my post on my blog,

  2. I completely agree with you this blog post is totally repeatable. I am taking all the honors classes and to be honest most of my day is homework. I need to blow off stem and distress just like you but I guess it is just not possible.
