
Monday, January 11, 2016

Blogger Has A Lot Of Problems (Like Me)

A visual representation of sarcasm.
Blogger has a lot of flaws.

Over the course of a couple days, I had been working hard on a blog post about a different rant.  I read and reread it several times, making sure it was perfect and ready to post. I found one solid high quality photo to go with it as well. Everything was sorted out flawlessly and I was proud I had completed another blog assignment.  Wow, it looked as if my life was finally coming together.

Haha, I guess not.

When I knew the post was good to go, I clicked the publish button.  No results. So me, being an impatient teenager, started to click the publish button dozens of times in the span of just a couple of seconds.  And yet again, the post would still not publish.  So after spamming the save button just to be sure it saved, I clicked the refresh button so maybe I could submit it the next time around.


By refreshing the page, I lost all of my work.  Every single sentence I worked hard on was gone.  Every period, comma, and semi colon I placed systematically had vanished.  I was so frustrated.  I should have known better too, this happened to me with another old blog post except last time it only deleted half of the post.  But I suppose my naïvety got the better of me.

So after the fact settled in that I'd have to redo my assignment and I lost at least three days worth of work, I pretty much lied on the floor while listening to music and stared at the ceiling for a solid twenty minutes.  At that point, I was just done with everything.  It is finals week and the last week of the semester after all, so losing all of my hard work only brought me more stress (check out this post to see me elaborate on this more).  Maybe if I were a better student and I got all of these assignments done earlier, I wouldn't be as stressed or reckless.  But I don't see that happening any time soon, unfortunately.  So instead of using the time I took to rant about a rant blog post that backfired, I could have been doing some other homework.  Also, I could of spent three hours doing more homework if I didn't decide to draw.  I drew a person with three eyes.  Three of them.  My life truly is a wreck right now.

Basically, Blogger has as many problems as I do.


  1. I love this post! The graphic accurately describes my life. Keep being relatable!

  2. This post is so relatable, I hate when that happens to any school assignment because it's not your fault but you still have to deal with it. Life.
