
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

What Goes Around Comes Around

(Via Leon Karssen)
Vacations should be one of the most relaxing things ever.

I guess my luck wasn't in my favor this week.

This week, which is the first week of May, is the week my family decided to take me out of school to go on vacation in California.  Don't get me wrong - I enjoy school and going to my classes and all.  But it has been a long year.  Even with the amount of breaks we've had, it's really nice to get an extra bonus week off.

So when the school week ended last Friday, I was totally checked out.  I was ready to leave.  I was exited to go to the beach, spend time at the pool, and eat a lot of good food.  Overall, I just wanted to relax.

But, late afternoon on Sunday when we arrived at our hotel, I felt something in my throat. Not only did my throat hurt, but I felt unusually cold.  I ignored it, I figured I did something to it while we were driving down to California.  But as the day progressed, my throat began to hurt more and my body temperature kept spontaneously fluctuating.  I was going to stay in denial, but deep down I knew. I knew I was becoming sick.

Well hey, maybe if I slept through it I would feel better when I woke up, right? I was wrong.  That night, I couldn't sleep well at all.  I would get extremely hot to the point where I couldn't sleep under my covers, and once I changed that, I got too cold which forced me to go back under them again.  So I guess you could say I had a pretty restless night.  I woke up around 6 am, which is extremely early for me when I have the option to sleep in.  And when I woke up, I felt absolutely terrible.  My throat hurt, my t-shirt was drenched with sweat (even though I felt cold), and I felt extremely dizzy.  I then realized I had the fever, and I became extremely sad.

(Via Smudgem)
I wasn't going to let my fever stop my day's plans.  My family and I were planning on eating some Korean food that day.  Where I live has some nice places to eat, but California definitely tops it.  So I had been looking forward to this meal for awhile.  We bought a bunch of food and it was all looked delicious. I made a plate full of food.  But when I actually started to eat it, I wanted to throw up. It's not that the food was bad, it's just that I actually couldn't stomach anything because of my fever.  But I tried to fight through it.  I ate small portions very slowly.  It was sad I didn't get to eat as much as I would have wanted to, but some food is better than no food.

Getting sick on vacation was one of the last things I could have wished for.  But at least by now I've started to feel better.  Maybe this is karma for something I did awhile ago.  Maybe this is karma for missing school. Or maybe this is karma for that one time I stole a toy tiger from my friend's house when I was four. Either way, this was payback for something.  But for the time being, I think I'll continue to stay in denial and try to enjoy my trip.

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