
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The End of an Era

(Via BrilliantNext)


It has been a long yet short school year, and this blog has accompanied me the whole entire journey.  Ever since I began this blog in October of 2015, I knew this day would come.  The day I would write my last blog post.

Let's take a trip down memory lane.  My blogging journey began at the beginning of the school year in 2015.  This year was my first year in high school -- I'm a freshman.  I remember I was excited for my freshman year.  I was particularly excited for my English class, and on top of that I was mostly excited to create a blog.  I had heard about them from older students and I was eager to create my own.  In the beginning, we had to come up with a theme and a blog title and all of that fun stuff.  Originally, the way I would write my posts would be by categorizing it into 1 of 3 genres: rants, opinions, and obsessions. I talked a little bit about this in my introduction post

In the beginning, I thought my idea was great.  But pretty much when I went on to writing my second blog post, I ditched the idea entirely.  To be honest, I tried too hard to have a perfectly organized blog and it almost took the fun out of writing the actual posts.  So from then on, my blog began to transform into a "band blog".  Basically, I would say 75% of my posts were about my favorite bands.  Occasionally, I'd have a few ranting blog posts or blog posts about completely arbitrary things such as memes or 35 year old men.  But by now, by the end, it's strayed away from the theme of a "band blog" and has just become a place for me to write whatever I want.  I let go of the labels I tried to put on my blog.

Because of this blog, I have grown in many ways.  For instance, as I touched on above, I've given up trying to make everything perfect.  Why bother doing something a certain way if you'd enjoy doing it a different way?  On top of that, I've also grown by coming to love writing blog posts.  It's a type of therapy in a way.  I know not many people read this, so it allowed me to express myself in whatever way I wanted.  Whether it was ranting about some tough times I've had at school, or if I wanted to rave about a cat video-game that nobody else would give me the time of day to talk about, I could do it all here without any problems.  So because of this, I think I'll really miss writing these blog posts.

By writing these blog posts, I've also learned a lot about myself.  Most of the time, you're just sitting in your own body, not really aware of who you truly are. Often times, people just don't take the time to get to know themselves, as weird as it sounds.  But when writing these posts, and reading it back to yourself, you learn some things that you might have subconsciously been ignoring or just completely unaware of.  If I hadn't invested eight months into this blog, I don't know if I would have learned some of the things I now know about myself today.

The final thing I need to touch on is where I am today.  It's late at night on a Wednesday.  Im tired, a little stressed, along with a touch of anger and sadness.  I'm a little worried for my AP Geography test this upcoming Friday, but it is what it is.  But in the end, I know I'll be okay.  In fact, just writing this blog post has made me feel better.

Writing this blog post has been bittersweet.  On one hand, I'm ecstatic to be nearing the end of my freshman year and the end of updating this blog.  Yet on the other hand, I know I'll miss all of the memories I've made this school year and I'll miss writing these blog posts.  Of course, I could always continue to update this blog next year.  Hell, I could continue it my entire high school career.  But, there are some things that should just stay where they are.  This blog has been a key part of my ninth grade career.  Even though I never specifically talked about it, you could still witness my growth and how things have changed in my life.  

With that, I should keep this blog as a time capsule of my ninth grade year. It basically contains little anecdotes from my freshman career and who I was at the time. This blog contains all the things a time capsule should have.  So because I've finished this blog, or rather I've finished putting everything in the time capsule, it is time to bury it for the future.  Maybe next year as a sophomore I'll check back on it and laugh.  Or maybe three years down the line, as a senior, I'll look back at this post and remember writing it as I am right now. Maybe I'll be close to graduating and I'll realize how simple it was as a freshman, and I'll laugh again.  Or better yet, maybe I'll check on this blog while I'm in college.  I'll look back at myself, and smile because of how far I've come. No matter the circumstance, I think it's time to finish this blog and close this chapter in my life, as fun as it's been.

So thanks for accompanying me during this journey, blog.  I'll never forget it.

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