
Monday, December 28, 2015

That Second Time I Fought A Thirty Five Year Old Man On The Internet (The Shane Morris Saga Part Two)

It's been a couple months since my first part of the Shane Morris Saga, so I figured it was time to write about my passion of screwing with people on the internet once again.

Gerard Way 2015
(Via Entertainment Rocks)
First off, I'll recap what happened in part one.  Basically, Shane Morris used to be Ryan Ross of Panic! At The Disco's music manager when Ryan left the band. Occasionally, he uses a live stream app called Periscope to just rant or to talk about whatever he wants.  One time I decided to join his stream and I ended up fighting with him over an album called Soul Punk.  Because he was criticizing the artist's clothing choices of that era, I decided to criticize Shane Morris' fashion choices. He then proceeded to tell me about his sunglasses and how it was a metaphor for his life's success, and then he ended his live stream because I guess I agitated him too much.

Ever since that stream, I was eager to mess around with the Shane Morris again.  Of course around that time, school was ending and it was summer so I had a fair amount of free time.  During the time after the Periscope I angered him in, he streamed frequently.  Occasionally I'd check in and just listen while I was eating lunch or something. Some of the more chill (chill meaning he didn't start ranting on them) topics he'd talk about were plastic surgery, the Civil War, misogyny, and his bands that he was currently managing.  But when Shane Morris ranted, he basically ranted about celebrities; more specifically celebrities who were emo and popular in 2005.  I'm basically talking about Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy and Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance.

Pete Wentz 2015
(Via Youth Health)
One night, Shane Morris decided to Periscope and I decided to join.  That night, he was frustrated at Pete Wentz and Fall Out Boy for how they acted at some party he was at a long time ago.  I don't entirely remember what the specific details were, all I remember is he was infuriated with Pete Wentz at the moment.  Maybe he was particularly angry because he was slightly drunk -- but hey, that's none of my business.  So while Shane was on the topic of Pete Wentz, he started ranting about him in general.  Eventually, he got on the subject of Pete's children, who's names are Saint and Bronx.  Of course, they're a little obscure, but he's earned it. Shane started to talk about how he felt bad for the kids because they were given awful names and they'd have to live the rest of their lives with them. Then, he thought of another emo celebrity who had a child with a unique name: Gerard Way.  He got even harsher with Gerard's daughter, who's name is Bandit.  It's also an interesting name, but he's definitely earned the right to do it.  Shane Morris began to spout out how Bandit was a terrible name for a human, let alone a girl. At that point, I decided I had to intervene again.

Shane was ignoring all of the other viewer's comments.  But for some reason, he read mine.  I basically said something like "What kind of a name is Shane Morris?"  And of course, this thirty five year old music manager from Tennessee flipped out yet again.  He squinted at my comment and made a sour face.  This is what he replied exactly:

"Kiragamil?  Did your parents give you a shit name too?"

Right after that, I was kicked out of the live stream.  Shane Morris had blocked me from his Periscope account.  I had never felt more victorious. My Periscope username was actually Kiragamii, and I guess he assumed that it was my actual birth name.  So while I was psyched because I pissed off Shane yet again, I decided to take this to Twitter.  This is my exact tweet:

And without another reply, he blocked me on his Twitter account as well.  Two victories in one night; it was an amazing feeling.

So because I was blocked on both Twitter and Periscope, I haven't been able to contact Shane Morris any further. It's slightly unfortunate, but at the same time it's comforting to know that I agitated this man enough for him to make sure I couldn't bother him again.  So with that, I end the Shane Morris Saga... for now.

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