
Thursday, October 1, 2015


Ay check it out, it's my first blog post!

I'm Kira and I'm glad you found your way to my blog.  The only reason I'm here is because of my 9th grade honors english teacher.  I'm excited to see how my blog is going to turn out!

Before I move on to what my blog is about, I'm going to talk about myself a little more.  Like I said in my about, my favorite band is Fall Out Boy.  I also love pizza. [But come on, what's not to like?]  And, I really like drawing.  At this point I kinda have to like it because I've wasted so much time doing it.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not really sure what else you need to know about me, but maybe you'll find out some more stuff about me in future posts!

Now onto what my blog is about.  I'm not gonna lie, I probably spent two weeks trying to come up with a general theme for this thing.  At first I thought having this blog be Van Gogh themed would be a good idea, but then I realized I didn't want to put myself in more pain than I'm already in.  I'm not saying I don't want to write about Van Gogh at some point this year, but I also don't want to write [and cry] about him weekly.  So instead, I figured I'd write about my rants, opinions, and obsessions.

Basically, whenever I write a general post, I'll select a subject to write about. I'll classify it as rant, opinion, or obsession, depending on how I feel about the subject.  A rant in this case is basically something I feel strongly towards, not necessarily in a good way.  I may dislike the subject or I might have something to argue about regarding that topic.  An opinion is something I don't really have a strong feeling for, but I'll still talk about it.  Finally, an obsession is something I really like.  A post like that will most likely show me raving on about the subject until I can't anymore.  As for the subject, I'll either pick it or I can have people [like you, the reader] submit me ideas.  Hopefully this theme works out, or else I might have to end up talking about Van Gogh all year! [Haha... please don't make me do that.]

Sure, you're probably thinking "This is like every other blog out there!  What makes yours so special?"  And that's a valid point.  But, I do have some ideas on how to make my blog more unique and personal.  As I've said several times before, I love drawing.  So, I figured I should add some of my digital art into my blog posts! I recently purchased a drawing tablet, which allows me to create art on the computer.  

Here's my third digital drawing ever.  It took forever.

Because of the enormous amount of homework I have, I've barely been able to use it at all.  So, if I make art a main part of my blog, I'll have to draw for homework. [Finally, I have an excuse!]  

Beyond drawings, I also plan on having Fact Fridays.  Basically, every Friday I blog, I'll have a random fact.  It'll either be about my life or something totally random.  I guess you'll just have to stick around and see!  And hey, if there's just something I need to blog about, I'm gonna do it -- whether it's related to my theme or not.

I hope to do a lot more with my blog over the course of this year, but this is my main plan for now.  I hope anyone out there who is reading this is as excited as I am to start this blog up.

Well, I'll see you cool cats later! 

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