
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

That One Time I Fought A Thirty Five Year Old Man On The Internet (The Shane Morris Saga Part One)

One of my passions is screwing with people on the internet -- especially adults. More specifically thirty five year old men who are music managers in Tennessee. Even more specifically music managers named Shane Morris.

Let me explain first.  Shane Morris was Ryan Ross' music manager after Ryan left Panic! At The Disco.  Shane helped manage Ryan's new band, the Young Veins, but then their relationship stopped after that band broke up and some other personal stuff happened between them.  So after that happened, Shane Morris now resides in Tennessee and helps manage newly signed country bands. So even though he isn't relevant anymore regarding Ryan Ross or Panic! At The Disco, I still decided to follow him on Twitter. 

Over this past year, another app through Twitter called Periscope, has become very popular.  Basically, Periscope is a live streaming app where people can watch someone and comment on their stream.  I downloaded the app because the lead singer of the band Panic! At The Disco, Brendon Urie, started using it and his streams were pretty fun to watch.  So whenever someone I follow on Twitter goes live on Periscope, I get a notification.
(Via Wikipedia)

One day this past summer I got a Periscope notification from Shane Morris, titled "Opinion on Soul Punk".

NOW I WILL HAVE YOU KNOW SOUL PUNK IS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE ALBUMS. (Which I'll probably talk about in a future post.) Soul Punk is an album that Patrick Stump, the lead singer of Fall Out Boy, released during Fall Out Boy's hiatus. It's a gift from the heavens and I love it a lot -- So much to the point where I'd defend it on the internet against some music manager in Tennessee.  

So I joined the stream and was ready to fight.  I was a little late joining so he was in the middle of talking about something else.  So I asked the chat "What did he diss about Soul Punk?"  And he stopped, read my comment out loud, and then immediately got defensive.  It's always a slightly unsettling experience to have your comment read out loud; that was the first time it had happened to me on Periscope.  He proceeded to then talk about how he didn't like the album -- how the genre was bad, how bad the lyrics were written, and how bad Patrick's voice was.

So at that point I was rEADY TO PUNCH HIM THROUGH MY PHONE.  After he moved on to complaining about Patrick Stump's fashion choice in that era, I decided it was my turn to step in.  At the time, Shane Morris was standing outside of his Tennessee home wearing this:

(Via Twitter)
So I typed in the chat "You shouldn't be talking, do you see what you're wearing right now?" I mean, just look at that piece of trash.  His sunglasses look like ski goggles and his hair looks like an egg with a mop attached to it.  So after a small delay, Shane read it.  He immediately went from a chill ranting face to a face of rage. I don't remember what he said exactly, but he proceeded to tell me the origin of his sunglasses.  Shane explained that when he was a teen growing up in the 90's, his goal was to become super successful and stuff.  One of his goals was to acquire the Oakley sunglasses in the photo above.  They were apparently exclusive and expensive in the 90's, so he really wanted them. So now that he was a fairly successful music manager in Tennessee, he was able to get the sunglasses from his teen years and achieve his goals.  Yeah, yeah, good for him. (That still doesn't mean they don't look like trash.)

(Via ReplyGif)
So he bragged on and on about that for awhile and I forgot what I said but I said something in the chat and he ended the Periscope out of anger.  Kira: 1. Shane Morris: 0.  It was fun to make this guy all pissed off over his sunglasses; that was a day well spent.

This is pretty much the end of the Shane Morris Saga Part One.  There'll probably be a couple more stories, but you never know.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

I Wanna Throw Myself At The Sun But What's New

Before I even start with this rant, I just want to address that this will be one of many rants on probably the same topic, that topic being school. :-)))

Me on the outside :-)
*but is internally screaming and stressing*
 (Via Tumblr)
I know, this is what I get; I deserve it.  I knew this was how it was going to go down when I signed up for all of these classes.  And, because I'm taking all honors and AP classes, I should be able to handle this. But bOY WAS I WRONG HAHA.

The amount of homework I have is ridiculous.  And yeah, this is a thing every student has complained about.  I honestly know nobody who hasn't complained about it either.  I know I'm gonna sound like a broken record, but I need to address this. (Just let me complain here.)

It might not sound like a lot when I type it out, but it sure feels like a lot and it takes a toll on my mental and physical health.  Tuesday night, for instance, was kinda rough.  The night before that I probably went to bed around 11:00 finishing a project.  Then, I woke up at 5:30 in the morning so I had enough time to get ready for school, resulting in me only getting a little over six hours of sleep.  Then, I went to school for about seven hours.  After that, I had basketball practice for two hours, making me get home around 4:30.  Because Tuesday was my little brother's birthday, we were going out to dinner to celebrate at 6:00.  So, I did as much homework as I could in that time frame and I took a shower on top of that.  So we went out to dinner and got home around 8:00.  Just in time for me to get some sleep! Wrong.  I still had two finals to study for. (I won't single any class out haha.)  By the time it was 11:30, I had only finished studying for one final.  I was so tired, I had a mental breakdown and I couldn't finish studying for my second final.  I mean, I was going all day, I didn't have time to stop and sit down at all, I'm not kidding.  So yesterday morning, when I woke up after a rough night, I looked like I crawled out of some deep pit of hell.  I had major bags under my eyes and it was hard for me to stay awake all day.  I also had to run to the bus stop in the morning because I somehow still didn't have enough time.  I think it's safe to say that has been the worst day this quarter.

My point is, the work load is too much to handle, for me at least.  I feel like a student should be able to spend time with their family, participate in extracurricular activities, and honestly have at least an hour to sit on the couch and just chill out after school.  I understand homework is important and each teacher has their own assignments they want us to complete, but some of it is just too much.  I highly doubt I'm going to use the multiplicative inverse of matrices everyday in my future, so I'd rather spend the time doing that homework on something else useful, like re-watching The Office for the second time.

(Via Jglovier Gifs)

There's nothing I can do about this problem, but I just needed to let off some steam and complete this assignment that I ended up writing at 10:30 pm. (I'm so healthy and I get enough sleep every night!)

So I guess this concludes my school rant for now.  Be prepared for many others in the future!

Monday, October 19, 2015

I'm Gonna Write About Fall Out Boy So I Have To Make This Post Title Long Or Else It Wouldn't Work Out

Clever title, I know. (It's not like anyone is going to understand it, but whatever.)  Because I just wrote about my Twenty One Pilots concert, I figured I should just write about my Fall Out Boy concert while I'm on the topic.

Before I write about my actual experience, I need to address something that may or may not be obvious already.  I am Fall Out Boy trash.  I waste so much time listening to this band it's not even funny.  The thing is, when I first became a fan, I thought this would be a year phase.  It seemed like all throughout middle school each year I was obsessed with one thing.  6th grade was probably anime *cue flashbacks to my most cringeworthy stage*.  7th was probably TV shows like Supernatural or Doctor Who.  And that was also the year I became a fan of Fall Out Boy.  Back then they were just something I listened to for background noise.  Well, that didn't turn out as planned.  It's been a little over two years and I'm still obsessing over them.  Just watch this blog progressively become a Fall Out Boy blog.  This might even be a warning; it could happen.

Now my concert experience here wasn't nearly as traumatizing or exciting as Twenty One Pilots; it was relatively normal thinking back on it.  If anything, the hype before it was more exciting.  I was probably more excited because this was my first concert ever. (I'm lame, I know.)  My friend Hannah and I spent half a year waiting for their concert.  And eventually, July 30th came.  We got to the venue right on time -- the first act barely started when we got to our seats.

The opening act was Hoodie Allen. I listened to a couple of his songs before I went to the concert, so they were pretty cool to hear in real life. Even cooler, he replied to me on twitter after the show.  He really built up the hype and got me excited for the other artists.

After about an hour of being at the venue, the first main act came on stage. I'm not that big of a fan of rap, but Wiz Khalifa was actually pretty great.  I knew a couple of his songs like Black and Yellow and We Dem Boyz.  Wiz Khalifa put on a great show.  I would talk about a lot of other stuff regarding his act, but I'm not necessarily sure it's appropriate for school (haha).  My favorite song he preformed was See You Again.  I liked that one in particular because I knew all the lyrics and Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy ran out on stage and started preforming with him.  That really made me realize "Holy smokes I'm about to see my favorite band!"

And bam, within ten minutes after Wiz Khalifa, Fall Out Boy came on.  It was pretty surreal and I can't really describe how I felt.  They opened with one of their classics from 2005: Sugar We're Goin Down.  It was really amazing to be able to sing the songs I'd been listening to on the bus every morning.  The actual band was there and they were real.  I was so pumped, I never wanted the concert to end.

The songs I was most excited to hear were Dance Dance, This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race, and Saturday.  Of course I was thrilled to hear each one on their set, but I freaked out a little more than usual hearing those three.

Don't even get me started on the band themselves.  Patrick Stump, the lead singer, hit every note perfectly.  Pete Wentz, the bassist, and Joe Trohman, the guitarist, were also hella rad; they preformed with such skill.  And Andy Hurley was down right awesome.  I have a lot of respect for drummers, they not only have to be skilled in their instrument, but they also have to be physically in shape.

Overall, my Fall Out Boy concert was outstanding.  I was little disappointed they didn't interact with the crowd as much Twenty One Pilots did, but that didn't matter.  Like I said before, I was there for the music.  I'm really glad I got to see them live, and I hope to see them again soon!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

It's Either I'm Weak Or Everyone Else Is A Savage

(All pictures are mine on this post!)

Sick! I'm actually gonna commit to this blog now with an actual post!

Eventually, while owning this blog, I was planning on talking about some of my concert stories from this past summer (this actually didn't happen in the summer, but whatever).  So, before I forget the details, I'll just kick off my blog with this story about my life. 

On September 26th, I was going with my friend Piper to see the band Twenty One Pilots live.  I was a little nervous because my voice was hoarse because I was sick (and from screaming at Sebastian Stan the day before, but that's another story). Also, I was probably a little anxious because that was my second concert ever and my first concert with GA seating.  Either way, I was pumped and ready to go.

So we got to the venue about three hours early and there was already a pretty solid line formed.  Piper and I sat there for an hour or so and we talked a little bit with the people in line.  It was a little weird because it seemed like everyone there was at least 17, but eventually I warmed up to them.  

But, so much for getting comfortable.

After about an hour of us waiting, the whole entire line rushed to the front of the doors to the venue.  People began sprinting to the front, so Piper and I figured we probably should too.

Well, we got to the front of the doors, which was a good thing.  But, the bad thing was there was nothing at the front of the doors; the line rushed for no reason.  Even after the concert, I still have no clue why we did it.  So, we prepared to stand in the hoard of people for two hours.

As it got closer to the time of the concert, the group got more and more packed. It got so packed to the point where I could barely move in my spot -- it was not enjoyable, but it was still tolerable.  Piper and I spent our time watching and talking to interesting people in line (i.e. Cool Shirt Guy, Jacob, and Jackson). We just had to hold on until 6:30.

And 6:30 came.  That's when the real hectic began.  Piper had to go to the bathroom to take a break from all the people while I tried to get a good spot for us in the pit.  Luckily, as I sprinted out the venue and into the lawn where the stage was, I was able to get a spot close to the stage.  I was probably only 8 people away from the front!  I thought I was good to go.

But I guessed wrong.  As more people began to flood into the lawn, the more packed it got.  This was even more crowded than the line.  Piper was nowhere to be seen either.  At that point, I wanted to keep my spot.  But wOW DID THAT BACKFIRE.  These Twenty One Pilots fans were much different than me; most of the people in the pit were six foot tall dudes.  Eventually, as it got more and more crowded, I couldn't move at all.  My face was shoved against the back of this one guy and my arms were sprawled in front and behind me.  It was so hot and sweaty, my shirt became drenched in sweat and I'm pretty sure half of it wasn't even my own sweat.  Occasionally, the whole pit decided to sway right and left which put me off balance and made me fall on a couple of people (not to mention my shoes were untied).  It was rough.

And the concert hadn't even started yet.  The longer, I stayed in there, the more I regretted it.  But I made it that far, so I should stay where I was, right? Wrong.  The first act, Finish Ticket, came on and that's when things got wild.  I was basically trapped between three really tall dudes who were pretty annoying to be honest.  They kept jumping and trying to get close to each other, I couldn't handle it.  I couldn't even see the band, and that's when I decided it wasn't worth it to stay sandwiched in between them for the next two hours.  So I simply yelled "I wanna get out!"  And the annoying dudes heard me.  This is the point when the annoying dudes became cool dudes.  They confirmed with me, and then they lifted me up from the crowd and proceeded to crowd surf me to the barricade.  Like I actually crowd surfed, I'm not exaggerating in the slightest.  After awkwardly going over five people's heads, I eventually reached the barricade.  A security guard guy picked me up and placed me on the ground (man everyone was so strong?? I need to hit the gym geez).  I was a little shaken up, but I was okay.

So for the rest of the concert, I stood on the sidelines of the crowd.  I felt uneasy, I didn't feel like I was actually apart of the crowd.  But man, I was pretty close considering the circumstances.

Twenty One Pilots live were amazing.  It's outstanding to see how well two guys can preform on stage alone.  Each song was filled with so much energy, I could tell they were genuine.  Tyler Joseph, the lead singer, was also very interactive with the crowd.  He talked with us and also made sure we gave enough rounds of applause to the drummer, Josh Dun.  During some of the songs, he would actually climb into the crowd while he was singing.  On their last song, Trees, Josh and Tyler went out into the crowd and had them hold up drums for the finale.  It was a beautiful, I could feel the drum beats in my stomach while confetti filled the air.  What pained me the most about it was if I stayed where I was, I would have been able to hold them too.  But in the end, I was there for the music, just like everyone else.

Overall, this is an experience I'll never forget.  Maybe I was just too weak and inexperienced to stand in the pit, or Twenty One Pilots fans are just savages.  I feel like it's a little bit of both, but there's nothing I can do about it now.  I hope to see Twenty One Pilots again, and maybe next time I'll get to be close to the stage again!  |-/

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Ay check it out, it's my first blog post!

I'm Kira and I'm glad you found your way to my blog.  The only reason I'm here is because of my 9th grade honors english teacher.  I'm excited to see how my blog is going to turn out!

Before I move on to what my blog is about, I'm going to talk about myself a little more.  Like I said in my about, my favorite band is Fall Out Boy.  I also love pizza. [But come on, what's not to like?]  And, I really like drawing.  At this point I kinda have to like it because I've wasted so much time doing it.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not really sure what else you need to know about me, but maybe you'll find out some more stuff about me in future posts!

Now onto what my blog is about.  I'm not gonna lie, I probably spent two weeks trying to come up with a general theme for this thing.  At first I thought having this blog be Van Gogh themed would be a good idea, but then I realized I didn't want to put myself in more pain than I'm already in.  I'm not saying I don't want to write about Van Gogh at some point this year, but I also don't want to write [and cry] about him weekly.  So instead, I figured I'd write about my rants, opinions, and obsessions.

Basically, whenever I write a general post, I'll select a subject to write about. I'll classify it as rant, opinion, or obsession, depending on how I feel about the subject.  A rant in this case is basically something I feel strongly towards, not necessarily in a good way.  I may dislike the subject or I might have something to argue about regarding that topic.  An opinion is something I don't really have a strong feeling for, but I'll still talk about it.  Finally, an obsession is something I really like.  A post like that will most likely show me raving on about the subject until I can't anymore.  As for the subject, I'll either pick it or I can have people [like you, the reader] submit me ideas.  Hopefully this theme works out, or else I might have to end up talking about Van Gogh all year! [Haha... please don't make me do that.]

Sure, you're probably thinking "This is like every other blog out there!  What makes yours so special?"  And that's a valid point.  But, I do have some ideas on how to make my blog more unique and personal.  As I've said several times before, I love drawing.  So, I figured I should add some of my digital art into my blog posts! I recently purchased a drawing tablet, which allows me to create art on the computer.  

Here's my third digital drawing ever.  It took forever.

Because of the enormous amount of homework I have, I've barely been able to use it at all.  So, if I make art a main part of my blog, I'll have to draw for homework. [Finally, I have an excuse!]  

Beyond drawings, I also plan on having Fact Fridays.  Basically, every Friday I blog, I'll have a random fact.  It'll either be about my life or something totally random.  I guess you'll just have to stick around and see!  And hey, if there's just something I need to blog about, I'm gonna do it -- whether it's related to my theme or not.

I hope to do a lot more with my blog over the course of this year, but this is my main plan for now.  I hope anyone out there who is reading this is as excited as I am to start this blog up.

Well, I'll see you cool cats later!