
Saturday, October 17, 2015

It's Either I'm Weak Or Everyone Else Is A Savage

(All pictures are mine on this post!)

Sick! I'm actually gonna commit to this blog now with an actual post!

Eventually, while owning this blog, I was planning on talking about some of my concert stories from this past summer (this actually didn't happen in the summer, but whatever).  So, before I forget the details, I'll just kick off my blog with this story about my life. 

On September 26th, I was going with my friend Piper to see the band Twenty One Pilots live.  I was a little nervous because my voice was hoarse because I was sick (and from screaming at Sebastian Stan the day before, but that's another story). Also, I was probably a little anxious because that was my second concert ever and my first concert with GA seating.  Either way, I was pumped and ready to go.

So we got to the venue about three hours early and there was already a pretty solid line formed.  Piper and I sat there for an hour or so and we talked a little bit with the people in line.  It was a little weird because it seemed like everyone there was at least 17, but eventually I warmed up to them.  

But, so much for getting comfortable.

After about an hour of us waiting, the whole entire line rushed to the front of the doors to the venue.  People began sprinting to the front, so Piper and I figured we probably should too.

Well, we got to the front of the doors, which was a good thing.  But, the bad thing was there was nothing at the front of the doors; the line rushed for no reason.  Even after the concert, I still have no clue why we did it.  So, we prepared to stand in the hoard of people for two hours.

As it got closer to the time of the concert, the group got more and more packed. It got so packed to the point where I could barely move in my spot -- it was not enjoyable, but it was still tolerable.  Piper and I spent our time watching and talking to interesting people in line (i.e. Cool Shirt Guy, Jacob, and Jackson). We just had to hold on until 6:30.

And 6:30 came.  That's when the real hectic began.  Piper had to go to the bathroom to take a break from all the people while I tried to get a good spot for us in the pit.  Luckily, as I sprinted out the venue and into the lawn where the stage was, I was able to get a spot close to the stage.  I was probably only 8 people away from the front!  I thought I was good to go.

But I guessed wrong.  As more people began to flood into the lawn, the more packed it got.  This was even more crowded than the line.  Piper was nowhere to be seen either.  At that point, I wanted to keep my spot.  But wOW DID THAT BACKFIRE.  These Twenty One Pilots fans were much different than me; most of the people in the pit were six foot tall dudes.  Eventually, as it got more and more crowded, I couldn't move at all.  My face was shoved against the back of this one guy and my arms were sprawled in front and behind me.  It was so hot and sweaty, my shirt became drenched in sweat and I'm pretty sure half of it wasn't even my own sweat.  Occasionally, the whole pit decided to sway right and left which put me off balance and made me fall on a couple of people (not to mention my shoes were untied).  It was rough.

And the concert hadn't even started yet.  The longer, I stayed in there, the more I regretted it.  But I made it that far, so I should stay where I was, right? Wrong.  The first act, Finish Ticket, came on and that's when things got wild.  I was basically trapped between three really tall dudes who were pretty annoying to be honest.  They kept jumping and trying to get close to each other, I couldn't handle it.  I couldn't even see the band, and that's when I decided it wasn't worth it to stay sandwiched in between them for the next two hours.  So I simply yelled "I wanna get out!"  And the annoying dudes heard me.  This is the point when the annoying dudes became cool dudes.  They confirmed with me, and then they lifted me up from the crowd and proceeded to crowd surf me to the barricade.  Like I actually crowd surfed, I'm not exaggerating in the slightest.  After awkwardly going over five people's heads, I eventually reached the barricade.  A security guard guy picked me up and placed me on the ground (man everyone was so strong?? I need to hit the gym geez).  I was a little shaken up, but I was okay.

So for the rest of the concert, I stood on the sidelines of the crowd.  I felt uneasy, I didn't feel like I was actually apart of the crowd.  But man, I was pretty close considering the circumstances.

Twenty One Pilots live were amazing.  It's outstanding to see how well two guys can preform on stage alone.  Each song was filled with so much energy, I could tell they were genuine.  Tyler Joseph, the lead singer, was also very interactive with the crowd.  He talked with us and also made sure we gave enough rounds of applause to the drummer, Josh Dun.  During some of the songs, he would actually climb into the crowd while he was singing.  On their last song, Trees, Josh and Tyler went out into the crowd and had them hold up drums for the finale.  It was a beautiful, I could feel the drum beats in my stomach while confetti filled the air.  What pained me the most about it was if I stayed where I was, I would have been able to hold them too.  But in the end, I was there for the music, just like everyone else.

Overall, this is an experience I'll never forget.  Maybe I was just too weak and inexperienced to stand in the pit, or Twenty One Pilots fans are just savages.  I feel like it's a little bit of both, but there's nothing I can do about it now.  I hope to see Twenty One Pilots again, and maybe next time I'll get to be close to the stage again!  |-/

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